tplgy.id5 (_earing)
Sonifications or recordings?
tplgy.id4 (X)
Start rec;
Sustained tone. Decrescendo, to the limit of perception;
Stop rec;
The sustained tone must be kept at the same dynamic level throughout (crescendo);
End of file;
The sustained tone must be kept at the same dynamic level throughout (crescendo);
End of file;
tplgy.id3 (endo | exo)
1) start rec
2) monitor the recording through loudspeakers positioned relatively close to the microphones (they could be in different rooms)
3) control the gain in such a way that feedback is produced
4) control the feedback
microphones_out | loudspeakers_in
loudspeakers_in | microphones_out
microphones_in | loudspeakers_out
loudspeakers_out | microphones_in
microphones_out | loudspeakers_in
loudspeakers_in | microphones_out
microphones_in | loudspeakers_out
loudspeakers_out | microphones_in
loudspeakers_in | microphones_out
microphones_in | loudspeakers_out
loudspeakers_out | microphones_in
microphones_out | loudspeakers_in
loudspeakers_in | microphones_out
microphones_in | loudspeakers_out
loudspeakers_out | microphones_in

A study of idioms:
1) a naive physical model of a clarinet duo transformed into feedbacks (in tplgy.1, those feedbacks also turn into an imitation of the ‘oxcart’s songs’ [cantiga do carro de boi], present in tplgy.1, right before the immense bird's flock recording). Nord Micro Modular;
2) no-input mixer focusing on feedback and saturation of digital effects bus. Soundcraft Signature 10;
2019.08.08 - Música Insólita Vídeo Performance
2019.06.27 - Espaço APIS, Festival SomaRumor. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
tplgy.id1 (Gates)
A study of idioms:
1) a field recording. Roland R-05;
2) a gated reproduction of that field recording in the same place it was made. Gates programmed with DSI Mopho, Roland's output go through Mopho;